Located within datazone S01006575 and electoral ward Hazlehead/Queens Cross/Countesswells (S13002844)

Matching Scottish Datazone

Matching Scottish Electoral Ward

Matching Scottish Council

Matching Postcode districts

Matching Postcode sectors

  1. AB10 6, Aberdeen city centre, Bridge of Dee, Mannofield, Aberdeen

Postcode AB106RT within Electoral ward Hazlehead/Queens Cross/Countesswells (S13002844)

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Postcode Percentile Ranking: Scotland latest 12 months

Your postcode centroid, AB106RT, has been matched to this Electoral Ward: Hazlehead/Queens Cross/Countesswells. Where 0 equals lowest and 100 equals highest ranked crime rate.
Crimes Percentile
Violent 15 55.389
Sexual 442 67.665
Dishonesty 0 50.599
Fire-raising/vandalism 0 37.126
Other crimes 0 43.413
Miscellaneous 135 37.126
Motor vehicle offences 114 43.713
Total crimes 0 39.521

Postcode AB106RT within datazone S01006575

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Postcode Percentile Ranking: Scotland 2017 - 2018

Your postcode centroid, AB106RT, has been matched to this Datazone: S01006575. Where 0 equals lowest and 100 equals highest ranked crime rate.
Crime Total13
Crime Rate13.1
Percentile Rank28.588
N.B. In the source data all totals less than 5 are recorded as 0.