Matching Scottish Datazone
Matching Scottish Electoral Ward
Matching Scottish Council
Matching Postcode districts
Matching Postcode sectors
- AB12 3, Aberdeen, Altens, Ardoe, Banchory Devenick, Blairs, Bridge of Dee, Cove Bay, Maryculter, Nigg, Portlethen, Aberdeen
Postcode Percentile Ranking: Scotland latest 12 months | ||
Your postcode centroid, AB123LN, has been matched to this Electoral Ward: Kincorth/Nigg/Cove. Where 0 equals lowest and 100 equals highest ranked crime rate. | ||
Crimes | Percentile | |
Violent | 16 | 58.383 |
Sexual | 571 | 78.743 |
Dishonesty | 0 | 64.072 |
Fire-raising/vandalism | 0 | 52.395 |
Other crimes | 0 | 39.521 |
Miscellaneous | 165 | 45.808 |
Motor vehicle offences | 176 | 67.365 |
Total crimes | 0 | 52.395 |