Postcode Data Generator
For support, questions or suggestions, please contact Dan Lewis on +44 (0) 7900 245 306 or

Just £19.95 for up to 5,000 postcodes

The Postcode Data Generator is the cost-effective choice for Insurance Companies, Academics, Security Analysts,
Police Crime Commissioners, Journalists, Estate Agents, Geospatial Analysts, Policy Professionals and Everyday
People. To match crime, income, population, environmental and other data for your list of UK postcodes, upload below
a simple .txt file of postcodes like this. The zipped output folder will look like this. To understand the data output of the Postcode Data Generator, please refer to this online google calc sheet - we update this on a regular basis.

How to get your data - 7 easy steps

1. Select report type

2. Upload file and receive list of valid/invalid postcodes - correct them on the Royal Mail website here

3. Select date range

4. Select other data

5. Enter your e-mail address (optional)

6. Submit and pay with Paypal

7. Receive your zipped up output files

To get up to 5,000 postcodes matched to crime and other data for just £19.95, just proceed as described


1. Select Report Type

LSOA reports match postcodes to LSOA and include crime totals and crime rate calculated using your choice of residential or daytime population, as well optional non crime data detailed below. Workplace zone reports match postcodes to workplace zones and include crime totals and crime rates calculated by residential population. Postcode radius reports include total crimes committed in a one mile radius of each postcode.

Postcode matched to LSOA Postcode matched to workplace zone Crime matched to radius around postcode

2. Upload file

When upload is complete you will receive files listing valid and invalid postcodes.
(must be *.txt file with no headers and only valid postcodes, vertically listed. Your file will be deleted
automatically on completion of task.)


3. Select Date Range

Recommended 12 month period. (Starting from December 2010 - please note only 6 categories prior to September 2011 which were ASB, Robbery, Burglary, Vehicle, Violent, Other. From September 2011 we can show the following as well; Drugs, Public Disorder & Weapons, Criminal Damage & Arson, Shoplifting, Other Theft. From May 2013, we can show the aforementioned categories plus bicycle theft, theft from the person and two new categories split out - public order and possession of weapons)



4. Select Other Data

(Skip this step for workplace zone and radius reports.)

(By default, all crime and ASB data comes through. The other data will too if you don't deselect it. You can always delete it if you don't want it. We currently have no monthly crime data for Scotland but have uploaded some annual data (2011-12) which is generated by default.)

Population Datasets

Indices of Deprivation

All Indices
Income Score
Employment Score

Tax Credit Info

All Tax Credit Info
CWTC Children Info
CWTC Family Info

Living Environment Fields

All Living Environment Fields
Air Pollution
Road Traffic Accidents

Crime Rate Calculation

Use Residential Population
Use Daytime Population

Population Census Year


5. Enter your e-mail address

To get the report e-mailed to you as well, enter your e-mail address. (optional).


6. Click On Submit

(This will take you to paypal for a one-off payment of £19.95 for up to 5,000 postcodes).

 N.B. After paying by Paypal - you do not need to have a paypal account - make sure after the page that says "Thankyou for Your Order" you must click on "Return to Economic Policy Centre" - this is what starts the data calculation going and generates your data which will arrive on screen and by email.

7. Receive your zipped up output files in csv format

After payment, you should not have to wait more than 5 minutes. (There will be 5 zipped up output files - covering England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and non-identified postcodes. See this sample output folder here. Your uploaded text file is automatically deleted on completion).


For support, questions or suggestions, please contact Dan Lewis on +44 (0) 7900 245 306 or