Updates Status – What data, which time period is your latest update?

Please see below – all known missing data on UKCrimeStats.com – is listed here by Police Force and month and year.

Postcodes (Updates 3-4x per annum) Dec 2023
Sector  Date      Source 
Crime (Eng/Wales/NI) Apr 2024     data.police.uk
Crime (Scotland) 2017/18     statistics.gov.scot
Postcodes Every 3-4 months     Ordnance Survey
Property Prices Mar 2024     Land Registry
Commercial & Corporate Ownership Jan 2024     Land Registry
Broadband Jan 2022     Ofcom
Energy (Elec. & Gas) 2021     Gov.uk
Boundary Line (Updates 2x per annum) Oct 2023     Ord. Survey
Postcode Radius Files Apr 2024     UKCrimeStats
Population estimates 2020     ONS
Road accidents 2022     DfT