Burglary – what are the different burglary offence types?

Once again, thanks to the NPIA for the data. After ASB incidents and Other crime, Burglary is the next most numerous category in our National Picture page – with 43,052 burglaries across England and Wales in May 2011. So what are the different offences?

Based on the Theft Act of 1968, here are the 9 different offences and the maximum sentence in years they carry;

1. burglary – indictable – 14
2. burglary – violence – 14
3. Burglary in a dwelling – either way – 14
4. artifice burglary in a dwelling – 14
5. Aggravated burglary in a dwelling – life
6. Burglary in a building other than a dwelling – indictable only – 10
7. Burglary in a building other than a dwelling – either way – 10
8. artifice burglary in a building other than a dwelling – 10
9. Aggravated burglary in  building other than a  dwelling – life




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